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what matters most!

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Behaviour - Effort - Punctuality - Participation - Homework

Chisholm Catholic College.

About us

"Chisholm Catholic College is a school which displays the deeper meaning of a Catholic Education – the highest standard of academic excellence, pastoral care and opportunities to shine – which will lead your child to a bright tomorrow, full of hope and promise."

"Our College provides a Catholic education, not just an education for Catholics. We set high expectations of self-discipline and self-motivation for our students. We work in partnership with the home environment as we strive to give students what they need to flourish at school and be successful in their global future."

"Chisholm Catholic College understands education. We know how to cater for the needs of different learners, how to extend exceptional learners and how to support students who require additional assistance."

"Our College is a bright and vibrant faith community. Our mission to ‘Live Christ’s Challenge’ clearly sets out for us a path of pursuit. As a College community we pursue learning, faith, love, kindness, justice and integrity. To ‘Live Christ’s Challenge’ means not to be superior to others but to be superior to oneself, to recognise that the best of you lives inside you and there is more you can be."

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments about ChisPlus

Chisholm Catholic College
204 California Creek road
Cornubia, QLD, 4130
P: (07) 3209-0700

Chisholm Catholic College is a school which displays the deeper meaning of a Catholic Education – the highest standard of academic excellence, pastoral care and opportunities to shine – which will lead your child to a bright tomorrow, full of hope and promise.

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